Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Program

Fall 2022 Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholars



Do you want to become a leader in nursing who is committed to evidence-based practice, lifelong learning, service to the community and civic participation? Then consider the Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Program (LPWNSP) at Georgia College, a program that provides full four-year scholarships to qualified students. This program is a scholarship community that brings women together to support their personal and professional goals through lifelong relationships. This program starts every fall semester for eligible first-year students. Funding is limited; therefore, recipients will be selected based on financial need and the quality of their written essays. Applicants must demonstrate a strong commitment to evidence-based practice, lifelong learning, community service, and civic engagement as future nursing leaders. Additionally, the essay outlining financial need will be considered. Final award decisions will be made based on a holistic review of all application materials.

As a Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholar, you will strive to serve and improve the local community through partners like the Center for Health and Social Issues and the Simulation and Translational Research Center - following in the footsteps of Mrs. Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans, a notable philanthropist and businesswoman. You will also participate in activities and events that encourage personal and professional development.                                 


You will benefit from the program in the following ways:

  • Personal growth achieved through special events, discussion groups and service projects alongside peer scholars
  • Development of cultural competence through participation in an immersive study abroad program with other health professionals
  • Leadership and professional development opportunities which will positively impact your ability to compete in the job market and for admission into graduate programs
  • Development of a network of mentors - faculty, staff and peer scholars - who will offer guidance, references and letters of recommendation long after graduation


The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation provides need-based scholarship funds based on the information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In addition to completing the FAFSA by May 1st of each year, you will need to meet the following requirements to qualify:

  • Female
  • Self-identified as Christian
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Must be a pre-nursing major at Georgia College
  • You must be a first-time, full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate student for the fall term in which you are applying.
  • Resident of Georgia, specifically from one of the following counties: Baldwin, Bibb, Houston, Jones, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Washington, Hancock, Putnam, Monroe, Laurens, and Jasper.


  • Attend the LPWNSP orientation.  
  • Attend LPWNSP events (typically two to three per semester).
  • Meet bi-monthly with the Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholars group to build deep connections across the scholarship community through guided discussions.
  • Fulfill one professional development requirement per semester.
  • Meet individually with the program coordinator once each semester.
  • Maintain good academic standing.
  • Uphold the expectations of high character as espoused by Mrs. Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans.
  •  Work in the campus clinical labs as a student assistant (< 20 hours/week).
  • Complete community engagement activities through the Center for Health and Social Issues (CHSI) within the College of Health Sciences (COHS).
  • Complete one study abroad program.
  • Encouraged to work in one of the identified counties above for two years following graduation.
  • Students must maintain the institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for Lettie Pate Whitehead eligibility. This policy can be found at https://www.gcsu.edu/financialaid/general-information.
  • Students who are in need of assistance with academics are strongly encouraged to utilize the Georgia College Learning Center at https://www.gcsu.edu/learningcenter.

Maintaining Eligibility

  1. Maintain Pre-Nursing Major Status
    LPW Scholars must remain admitted as a Pre-Nursing major at GCSU. Changing to a major other than Nursing or Pre-Nursing will result in loss of eligibility for the LPW Scholarship.
  2. Meet GPA Requirements
    Scholars must maintain the GPA standards set by the School of Nursing to ensure continuous eligibility for the LPW Scholarship Program. Academic performance will be reviewed at the end of each semester. If a scholar's GPA falls below the required standard:
    • The student will be placed on warning for one semester.
    • By the end of the second semester, the student must meet the GPA requirement to regain compliance and maintain eligibility.
  3. Progression into the Nursing Program
    After receiving the LPW Scholarship for three years, scholars must gain admission into the Nursing Program at GCSU to continue receiving the scholarship.

WHAT does the full four-year scholarship include?

The Lettie Pate Whitehead funding will cover all direct costs to GCSU that is not covered by the HOPE Scholarship, Zell Miller Scholarship, Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant and other scholarships. The Lettie Pate Whitehead funding will also cover nursing-specific expenses for clinical nursing courses. Students will be required to pay out of pocket for the nursing specific expenses and then be reimbursed once receipts are provided.

  • Tuition
  • University Fees
  • University Housing
  • University Meal Plan
  • Textbooks/educational resources
  • Nursing-specific expenses for clinical nursing courses
    • Uniforms
    • Stethoscope/Clinical equipment
    • Background checks/drug screens
    • Lab fees
    • Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) credentialing
    • HESI testing
  • One study abroad program (up to $2,000) that is nursing/health care related.


A link to the application will be available here during the application window dates specified below.

Application dates

Georgia College & State University Fall Semester Application Deadline
Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Program Application Window
Applicant Notification
April 1October 15 - April 1May 1

Applicants must be admitted to GCSU before they are able to apply for this scholarship.

Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Application 

Please NOTE: This scholarship is designated for first time, full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate female students from qualifying counties applying for fall term only.


For questions about the Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Program, contact nursing@gcsu.edu

To learn about the national program, visit Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation.